A simple, catchy trumpet piece that represents a traveler in a far off land. It’s slightly off-kilter melody represent the fish-out-of-water status of a foreigner.

An uncomplicated piece that contains an ear-worm of a melody. The repeated sixteenth and eighth notes represent the business and frantic nature of life.

This piece is one of the cheeriest I’ve ever made. It starts off with a piano duet and eventually a horn joins the mix. Later in the piece, the horn replaces the piano as the star and it represents the scope of a bright day.

This piece has a mysterious, twinkling piano in the background with a triumphant horn. The piano represents the mystery of the sky and the horn represents the triumph of exploration.

This piece stays in minor the entire time. A dark, but catchy melody speeds up as the piece moves along. Drums provide some momentum for the track.

“Summit” starts dramatically, with a fast sixteenth-note run and some dramatic contrabass chords. Later on, a choral arrangement joins, representing hope. The piece ends at the summit of the mountain.

This composition is like a long staircase. It seems never ending. The piano has a main melody that progressively gets faster as the piece continues, eventually culminating in catharsis.

This piece is mostly written in minor until it suddenly shifts to major at the very end. This represents light at the end of a long tunnel, hence the name, “Breaking Light.”